

 大屯火山群Datun Volcanic Group
 太魯閣國家公園Taroko National Park
 文建會世界遺產知識網CCA World Heritage Website
 世界遺產中心World Heritage Centre
 世界遺產委員會World Heritage Bureau
 世界遺產委員會World Heritage Committee
 台鐵舊山線Old Mountain Line Railway
 台灣世界遺產Taiwan Potential Heritage Site
 玉山國家公園Yusan (Jade Mountain) National Park
 卑南遺址與都蘭山Beinan Site and Mt.Dulan
 金瓜石聚落Jinguashih community
 金門島與烈嶼Kinmen and Lieyu
 阿里山森林鐵路Alishan Forest Railway
 淡水紅毛城及其週遭歷史建築群Fort San Domingo and Surrounding Historical Buildings, Danshuei
 棲蘭山檜木林Cilan Mountain Cypress Forest
 澎湖玄武岩自然保留區Penghu Columnar Basalt Nature Reserve
 遺產所在國States Parties
 蘭嶼聚落與自然景觀Orchid Island and The Tao (Yami)
文化景觀Cultural Landscapes
複合式景觀Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage
傑出普世價值Outstanding Universal Value
世界遺產公約Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage(World Heritage Convention )
世界遺產基金World Heritage Fund
世界遺產潛力點Potential World Heritage Sites
無形文化資產Intangible Cultural Heritage