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Publishing | International Exchanges

  • Date:2015-08-18
Publishing | International Exchanges

In the face of international copyright issues and competing publications using simplified Chinese characters, The Ministry is dedicated to preserving and promoting Taiwan's mature and liberal publishing environment.

Policies & Initiatives
To help Taiwanese writers and artists gain international exposure, the Ministry is:

  • Negotiating copyright trade with the international publishing community.
Since copyright infringement and licensing arrangements are two of the largest challenges faced by publishing companies, the Ministry has taken steps to establish a copyright and brokerage system that protects original works and royalties.

  • Advocating for the use of traditional Chinese characters.
As the sole heir of traditional Chinese writing and literature, Taiwan has witnessed the Chinese language gain rapid traction with the international community in recent years. The Ministry's overseas offices offers materials on both the language and the culture to all who are interested in learning.

  • Establishing stronger ties with publishing powerhouses around the world.
Apart from strengthening the international presence of local publishers and authors through book fairs and collaborative translation projects, the Ministry is also working towards making the Taipei International Book Exhibition the top publishing platform in Asia.

  • Translating Taiwan literature to broaden foreign readership. 

The Books from Taiwan platform lists information about Taiwan authors and books, along with who to contact in order to license translation rights. All titles featured are eligible for the Ministry's Translation Grants Program.