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Join the Ministry’s virtual cafe – iMatch – today

  • Date:2013-08-06
Join the Ministry’s virtual cafe – iMatch – today

To help foster closer cooperation among the cultural and creative sectors, the Ministry of Culture has launched the "iMatch,” an idea-matching platform for creative individuals and businesses to swap ideas and combine resources.

iMatch ( will serve as a networking platform between young artists and established companies by acting as a virtual café, in which a group of people bonded by common interest could work together to transform original ideas into actual products.

The website consists of six sections - Creative Overview, Proposal Corner, Mix & Match, Consulting Services, Hall of Honor and Resource Center. Another crucial component of the iMatch platform is its message board, where moderators post the latest news and trends relating to the cultural and creative industries.

The virtual café, which was launched on Aug. 1, is managed by a strong advisory team comprised of established creative professionals. They are also available to provide free consultations and assist with investment transactions.

As part of the website's debut, the Ministry will also hold an open contest for the best proposals uploaded onto iMatch. A total of 15 outstanding proposals from three categories - artistic audio/video, digital content/publishing and handicrafts/design - will be selected by the Ministry and become part of a public poll. The top three winners will then be determined by popular vote and be jointly awarded NT$2.28 million (US$76,000).

What are you waiting for? Log onto today and join the virtual café fun.

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