Taiwanese authors Shieh Zi-fan (謝子凡) and Hsieh Kai-te (謝凱特) have been invited to the Book World Prague 2024, held from May 23 to 26, to attend author salons and promote Taiwan’s literature to Central Europe readers.
Supported by the Ministry of Culture, the Cultural Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague is collaborating with the Mi:Lu Publishing House (麋鹿出版社) to launch the “Thinking Like an Island 2024” project. Through this project, they exhibited various Taiwanese literary works translated into Czech at the exhibition, including Shieh Zi-fan’s “I and the Garbage Truck I Chased (我和我追逐的垃圾車)” and Hsieh Kai-te’s “My Ant Father (我的蟻人父親).”
In addition to participating in Book World Prague, the authors will also tour the Czech Republic, delivering seminars at the Charles University, Museum of Czech Literature, Municipal Library of Prague, Olomouc Research Library, and Moravian Library.