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Actor | Akio Chen

  • Date:2024-08-15
Actor | Akio Chen

Chinese Name: 陳慕義

Born: Sep. 29, 1956

Birthplace: Taipei (Northern Taiwan)


Did You Know That…?

Akio Chen received the Golden Bell Award for Best Actor in a Miniseries or Television Film in 2006 for his performance in “Happy Voyage (快樂的出航).” In 2023, he won the Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor with his role in the movie “Old Fox (老狐狸).”



Akio Chen is a Taiwanese actor and scriptwriter who graduated from the National Institute of the Arts (now Taipei National University of the Arts) Theater Department. His career began with stage performances, working closely with the renowned theater companies Ping-Fong Acting Troupe (屏風表演班) and Lanlin Theatre Troupe (蘭陵劇坊). 


Chen has appeared in various television series and films, taking on diverse roles that have left a lasting impression on the viewers. In the film “Tropical Fish (熱帶魚),” he played the role of a kidnapper; in the comedy film “Pinoy Sunday (台北星期天),” he portrayed a factory security guard; in “Old Fox (老狐狸),” he was a ruthless businessman; and in the political series “Island Nation (國際橋牌社),” he was the opposition party leader. 


In addition to acting, Chen is proficient in scriptwriting and has produced several scripts. Among his most renowned works is “Do Not Sacrifice Love (請勿犧牲愛情),” which received the Taiwan Literature Award. On the surface, it depicts the happy life and romantic love of Indigenous peoples in Taiwan, but beneath that, it carries critical meaning through witty dialogues and metaphors, celebrating the independence and freedom of the country. In his acceptance speech, he expressed his belief that Taiwan is an independent country that upholds freedom, democracy, and human rights. He shared his hope that the people will continue to protect and safeguard these values


Another accomplishment of Chen is the publication of his book “Taiwanese O-pei-la-hi: Three Scripts by Akio Chen (台灣胡撇仔戲:陳慕義劇本三種).” O-pei-la-hi (胡撇仔戲) in Taiwanese language means unorthodox Taiwanese Opera. It maintains traditional elements of Taiwanese Opera while incorporating innovations over time, such as the use of Western musical instruments, modern clothing, and dialogues that reflect everyday life.