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'32nd Annual Exhibition of New Year Prints, ROC'

  • Date:2017-01-01
'32nd Annual Exhibition of New Year Prints, ROC'

The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts will host the "32nd Annual Exhibition of New Year Prints, ROC: Good Fortune for the Year of the Rooster” to showcase winning works of a nationwide competition from Jan. 1 through March 12.

A total of 82 works out of 289 submissions, including two commissioned prints by senior artist Jun T. Lai (賴純純) and professor Chang Po-yen (張栢烟) of the Department of Fine Arts at Tainan University of Technology, will be on display.

The submissions this year employed various techniques of printmaking, such as engraving, etching, and digital artmaking. The age range of the participants also ranged from 10 to 71 years old, reflecting the successful promotion of the art of print in Taiwan.

The two commissioned works this year were both made with silkscreen printing. "Good Fortune for the New Year (吉年好運到)” by Chang embodies blessings for couples and children, and welcomes the Year of the Rooster with fireworks. The work shows a vivid color scheme and cheerful ambience.

"A Single Brilliant Feat (一鳴驚人)” by Lai, on the other hand, is an illustration of a rooster with colorful feathers, standing tough with its back against the sunrise to symbolize the beginning of a new year.

The six works that won first prize all present traditional folk culture using a contemporary style. "Family Portrait (全家福)” by Lin Shu-fen (林淑芬) presents a picture of a rooster, hen, and their clutch of chicks that is decorated in auspicious red to usher in new tidings.

"Reunion (家圓國圓事事圓)” by Chen Yi-an (陳宣安) illustrates the happy gathering of a rooster and its family, while "Fortuitous Song & Dance of Spring (吉啼舞春)” by Fan Quan-you (范銓祐) shows a rooster crowing to greet the new year.

"Contentment & Fulfillment (知福富足)” by Jin Yu-ci (金昱慈) presents a natural scene composing of white and black chickens standing before a bountiful rice harvest to express gratitude. "Phoenix Welcoming a Harvest Year (鳳迎豐年)” by Tsai Zong-han (蔡宗翰) uses phoenixes and traditional Taiwanese floral patterns to surround the island of Taiwan in prayer for harvest and peace.

"Songs of Spring (鳴春)” by Yang Wen-yu (楊紋瑜) unveils the new year with a monkey, last year's zodiac animal, lighting up the fireworks and a rooster, this year's zodiac under spotlight, singing to the arrival of spring.

The opening and award ceremony will be held on Jan. 7 at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Additional sessions will also be held for commissioned artists Chang and Lai and prize winners to hand out autographs.

'32nd Annual Exhibition of New Year Prints, ROC'

  • Date: Jan. 1 - March 12, 2017
  • Venue: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
  • Address: No. 2 Wuquan West Road Section 1, West District, Taichung City, Taiwan (ROC)
  • Website:
  • Commissioned Artist: Jun T. Lai