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‘The Aesthetics of Okinawa’

  • Date:2014-02-16
‘The Aesthetics of Okinawa’

Address:No. 254 Datung Road, Taitung City, Taitung County, Taiwan 950

As part of the Ministry's efforts to promote artistic exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, the National Living Arts Center in Taitung will host a fine arts exhibition featuring four renowned artists from the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa from Feb. 16 through 25.

The exhibition will showcase artwork and photos on traditional rituals and ceremonies from the Ryukyu Islands by visiting Japanese artists Yasuo Arakaki (新垣安雄), Souten Okuhara (奥原崇典), Yasunosuke Arakaki (新垣安之輔), and Toyomitsu Higa (比嘉豊光).

Given the geographical proximity of the Ryukyu Islands to Taiwan, it is a pity that bilateral cultural ties have not been very close, pointed out Kazuki Oshiro (大城和喜), the former head of the Haebaru Cultural Center in Okinawa and head of the visiting delegation.

The four Okinawa artists said they look forward to taking photos of the annual Lantern Festival procession and the festive bombing of Lord Handan with firecrackers during their stay in southern Taiwan.