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Photographer | Long Chin-san (II)

  • Publish Date:2015-07-27
Photographer | Long Chin-san (II)

Did You Know That … ?

  • Long Chin-san pioneered composite photography prior to the computer programs of the digital age, using several vistas to forge together a "perfect” photo.

  • Academic studies on the late photographer have grouped his works into six categories: Realism, paper-based (traced with pencil or paints) photography, composite photography, portraits, female nudity, and contemporary photography.

  • Although he is best known for his photography, Long was also equally skilled in poetry, painting, and calligraphy. By the age of 10, he was able to master a miniscule calligraphy script that limited each character to the size of a fly's head (蠅頭小楷).

​Read more about the artist here or scroll down for pictures.