The Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo, in collaboration with Keio University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, launched a series of Taiwanese film screening events in May, introducing compelling films from Taiwan to young students in Japan.
This event kicked off at Keio University on May 15 with the Japan debut of “Fish Memories ((真)新的一天).” The movie’s director Chen Hung-i (陳宏一) was invited to deliver a post-screening talk and engage in a dialogue with Japanese author Sara Ogawa (小川紗良). The screening was very well-received by the Japanese audience, attracting an attendance of 200 viewers.
Following that, the screening of “A Journey in Spring (春行)” will take place at the Taiwan Cultural Center on May 24. Upcoming screening sessions will feature “A Cha-Cha for the Fugitives (給逃亡者的恰恰),” “And Miles to Go Before I Sleep (九槍),” “A Boy and A Girl (少男少女),” “Waiting For My Cup of Tea (一杯熱奶茶的等待),” and “My Heavenly City (我的天堂城市).”