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Exhibition on Taiwanese glove puppetry takes place in Tokyo

  • Date:2024-06-20~2024-07-29
Taiwanese glove puppetry exhibition takes place in Tokyo

The “Tradition and Innovation - Pili Glove Puppetry Exhibition (傳承與創新-霹靂布袋戲跨界IP展)” was inaugurated at the Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo on June 20. The exhibition features classic characters such as Su Huan-jen (素還真) and Yi Ye-shu (一頁書), along with costumes from the Taiwan-Japan production “Thunderbolt Fantasy (東離劍遊紀).”


Hosted by the Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo and Pili International Multimedia, the exhibition is open until July 29. The inauguration ceremony was attended by notable guests including Frank Hsieh (謝長廷), the Representative of Taiwan to Japan; Huang Liang-hsun (黃亮勛), the General Manager of Pili International Multimedia; Gen Urobuchi (虛淵玄), and the screenwriter of “Thunderbolt Fantasy.”


The exhibition is divided into two themes: “Taiwan’s Heart” and “The Bridge of Culture.” “Taiwan’s Heart” displays puppets of classic characters from the genre, while “The Bridge of Culture” highlights the collaborative efforts between Taiwan and Japan in glove puppetry.