The Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo and the National Museum of Taiwan Literature are co-hosting the exhibition “Palatable Reads - Literature Seasoned with the Flavors of Taiwan (飽讀食書-臺灣珍味文學展).” Starting on Aug. 6 at the Center, this exhibition showcases the works of 20 Taiwanese writers focusing on food and cuisine.
At the opening ceremony on Aug. 7, Frank Hsieh (謝長廷), the Representative of Taiwan to Japan, emphasized that this exhibition aims to present Taiwanese literature to Japanese readers by highlighting Taiwan’s unique food culture.
This exhibition is divided into three main sections: “12 Pan-toh Dishes (文學辦桌12道), “Daily Meal (飲食日常),” and “Local Experiences (體驗風土滋味).”
This exhibition runs until Aug. 30. For more information, visit the NTML’s official website.