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Romanian theater festival to feature Taiwanese opera troupe

  • Date:2024-06-15
Romanian theater festival to feature Taiwanese opera troupe

Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group (明華園), the renowned Taiwanese opera troupe, has been invited by the New Wave International Theatre Festival in Reşiţa City, Romania, to perform on June 15.


During the festival, Ming Hwa Yuan will present “Lovebird Spears (鴛鴦槍)” and “General of the Empire (護國將軍),” showcasing the beauty of Taiwanese opera to the local audience.


Dedicated to promoting international arts and cultural exchange, the New Wave International Theatre Festival features artists from across the globe.


Representative Li Nan-yang (李南陽) of the Taipei Representative Office in Bratislava remarked that this collaboration between Taiwan and Romania signifies a new chapter in the arts and culture sectors of both countries. He added that Ming Hwa Yuan will continue to work on preserving and promoting Taiwanese opera, and showcasing this cultural treasure to the world.


(Photo credit: Taipei Representative Office, Bratislava)