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‘Art Spotlight – Taiwan’ opens in German gallery, featuring four Taiwanese artists

  • Date:2024-07-20~2024-09-15
‘Art Spotlight – Taiwan’ opens in German gallery, featuring four Taiwanese artists

The Ministry of Culture (MOC), the Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, and the Taiwan Association in Germany are collaborating to present the “Art Spotlight - Taiwan” program at Galerie Atelier III in Barmstedt, Germany. Running from July 20 to Sept. 15, this program showcases Taiwanese culture through films, literature, music, and fine art.


“Art Spotlight - Taiwan” features the works of four Taiwanese artists, including Chai Chiau-syuan’s (柴喬軒) “Wartenau 21 Hamburg,” Chuang Yi-jou’s (莊毅柔) “The Seven Necessities (開門七件事),” Hsu Pei-hsin’s (許珮欣) “View of the House (房屋的景觀),” and Jimmy Liao’s (幾米) illustrations “The Blue Stone (藍石頭)” and “Sound of Colors (地下鐵).”


In addition, the event includes a parallel photograph exhibition titled “Far Away Taiwan - and Yet So Close,” displaying the works of German photographer Detlev Langmann. On July 24 and Aug. 8, Dr. Gerd Boesken, a Sinologist specializing in Taiwan studies, will be invited to share his observations from his 2023 trip to Taiwan. 


Visit the event page for more information.