In collaboration with the Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, the Swiss art institution Shedhalle will showcase the performance “Living Gaya Dreaming Hagay (遊林驚夢:巧遇Hagay)” by Taiwanese artists Shu Lea Cheang (鄭淑麗) and Dondon Hounwn (東冬‧侯溫). This performance will be presented at both the Zürcher Theater Spektakel and Shedhalle.
Launched in 1980, the Zürcher Theater Spektakel is Switzerland’s largest performing arts festival. As one of the most influential arts festivals in Europe, it showcases international performances across various genres each year, including theater, dance, music, circus, and visual arts.
Multimedia artist Shu Lea Cheang and Dondon Hounwn, artist and practising shaman of the Truku tribe, have created this performance based on an old legend of a Truku hunter. In three different formats – a performance, a textile installation, and a multimedia exhibition – the two collaborators explore the connections between queer lifestyles, shamanism, and contemporary technology.
For more information, visit the festival’s event page.
(Photos courtesy of Hsuan Lang Lin)