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Taiwanese film screening takes place in Scotland

  • Date:2024-11-07~2024-11-28
Taiwanese film screening takes place in Scotland

The Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office (TRO) in the U.K., in collaboration with independent curator Liu Kuan-ping (劉官玶), is hosting a screening event titled “Shape of Home” at the Glasgow Film Theatre from Nov. 7 to 28, presenting four award-winning Taiwanese films by acclaimed directors. Focusing on “home” as the core theme, the event delves into topics such as conflict of values, struggles in everyday lives, and familial bond. 


The films featured include “Old Fox (老狐狸)” by Hsiao Ya-chuan (蕭雅全); “Day Off (本日公休)” by Fu Tien-Yu (傅天余); “Zombie Film with Grandpas & Grandmas (邀阿公阿嬤拍B級殭屍片)” by Hsu Tzu-jou (徐紫柔); and “GAGA (哈勇家)” by Laha Mebow (陳潔瑤). With actors from different linguistic backgrounds including Mandarin, Taiwanese Taigi, Taiwanese Hakka, and Atayal, these films showcase the cultural diversity of Taiwan to a global audience.


Chen Pin-chuan (陳斌全), head of the Cultural Division of the TRO in the U.K., said that the TRO hopes to introduce Taiwanese films to British viewers through screening events. He also noted that the partnership with the Garden Cinema in London earlier this year achieved a great success, showing the potential of Taiwanese cinema in the U.K.


More information can be found on the event’s website.