With the support from the Ministry of Culture, the Taiwan Academy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Los Angeles programs the virtual booth "Story Island (故事島嶼)" to attend this year's Western Arts Alliance Annual Conference with both virtual and in-person events from Aug. 30 to Sep. 2.
The booth will present 16 Taiwanese performing arts groups that are slated for touring through America, including Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (雲門舞集), B.DANCE (丞舞製作團隊), HORSE (驫舞劇場), Huang Yi Studio + (黃翊工作室), Bulareyaung Dance Company (布拉瑞揚舞團), Tjimur Dance Theatre (蒂摩爾古薪舞集), Hung Dance (翃舞製作), Resident Island Dance Theatre (滯留島舞蹈劇場), Basiwali (巴西瓦里), Twincussion (雙子二重奏), Jin Kwei Lo Puppetry Company (真快樂掌中劇團), Puppet Beings Theatre (偶偶偶劇團), Hong Puppet Theatre (弘宛然古典布袋戲團), Shan Puppet Theatre (山宛然劇團), Shakespeare's Wild Sisters Group and Taipei Puppet Theater (莎士比亞的妹妹們的劇團), and Taipei Puppet theater (臺北木偶劇團).
Additionally, the conference will hold the 4th webinar of "The Next Stage(台灣/美國表演藝術趨勢對談)" series themed around "International Collaboration in a Global Pandemic (全球疫情下的國際合作新模式)" on Sep. 2. This workshop will invite senior percussionist of Ju Percussion Group Hwang Kuen-Yean (黃堃儼) and director of Taipei Performing Arts Center Austin Wang (王孟超) to jointly discuss international exchanges amid the pandemic with other speakers from America, New Zealand, Ecuador.
Established in 1967, WAA is a membership association of performing arts professionals throughout the Western United States and takes place its annual conference each year in August.
For more information, please visit Western Arts Alliance Annual Conference's webpage.