The 4K restoration of Taiwanese film "A Confucian Confusion (獨立時代)," directed by late director Edward Yang (楊德昌), has been selected for the Revivals section at the 60th edition of the New York Film Festival (NYFF), which will take place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 16.
Restored by the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute, the 4K restoration version was premiered at the Venice Film Festival this August. During NYFF, the film is scheduled to be shown at the Walter Reade Theater and Francesca Beale Theater on Oct. 13 and 14, respectively.
According to NYFF's website, the director observes the self-absorption of a gaggle of 20-something urbanites and once again searches for the soul of a country he no longer quite recognizes in this panoramic satire set in the material world of 1990s Taipei.
Released in 1994, the 129-minute film was the first work of Edward Yang's New Taipei Trilogy. The other two films of the trilogy were "Mahjong (麻將)" and "A one and a two (一一)." In 1994, the film "A Confucian Confusion" was nominated for the Golden Palm, the Cannes Film Festival main prize, and shortlisted for the New York Film Festival. It won the Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Supporting Actress at the Golden Horse Award.
Established in 1963, NYFF highlights the best in world cinema, featuring top films from celebrated filmmakers as well as fresh new talent. This year, more than 10 restored movies by internationally renowned filmmakers from Taiwan, the United States, France, Brazil, Portugal and other countries have been selected for the NYFF Revivals section. For more information, please visit NYFF's official website.
(Photo courtesy of Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute)