The exhibition “Huang Tu-Shui and His Time: Taiwan’s First Western-style Sculptor and the Tokyo Fine Arts School in the Early 20th Century (黃土水與他的時代—臺灣首位西洋雕塑家與20世紀初期的東京美術學校),” co-curated by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMoFA) and Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA), was inaugurated in Japan on Sept. 6. Following its opening, the exhibition received positive responses and coverage from major Japanese news outlets, including The Mainichi (每日新聞) and The Sankei Shimbun (產經新聞), as well as a highlight in the renowned art magazine Bijutsu Techo (美術手帖).
At the parallel conference held at TUA on Sept. 8, NTMoFA Director Chen Kuang-yi (陳貺怡) noted that Huang Tu-Shui (黃土水)’s works emphasized Taiwan’s native consciousness, which had a profound influence on Taiwan’s art scene in the early 20th century.
The exhibition featured 58 works of art by Taiwanese and Japanese artists, including “Water of Immortality”, the Huang Tu-Shui classic work designated as a national treasure in 2023. The exhibition opened from Sept. 6 to Oct. 20.