In June of 2024, two Taiwanese short films, “Hey Dad (嗨爸)” and “Is This Now the Time I Should Let You Go? (現在是不是時候該將你放下了呢?),” were selected for the main competition at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival. Meanwhile, “Lost and Found (失而復得,之,皆大歡喜)” and “Long Distance Call (長途電話)” were chosen for the Annecy International Animation Film Market (Mifa) Pitches.
“Hey Dad,” directed by Wang Wei-fan (王偉帆), was selected for Short Films in Competition - Perspectives category. “Is This Now the Time I Should Let You Go?”, directed by Tsai Yi-chin (蔡易錦), was selected for Short Films in Competition - Graduation Films category.
Additionally, “Lost and Found” by Chung Cheng-hsu (鍾承旭) and “Long Distance Call (長途電話)” by Huang Shih-yen (黃詩硯) were selected in Mifa Pitches.
The Taiwan Creative Content Agency noted that these selections represent the highest number of Taiwanese films featured in an overseas animated film festival and market pitch to date.
(Photo credit: The Taiwan Creative Content Agency)