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ISSUE #200
'Europe Connexion,' a play featuring Taiwan's Party Theatre Group and French group Cie du Veilleur, is on a three-month tour of several French cities.
'Reading Taiwan' is organized by the Taiwan Academy in LA to introduce modern Taiwan classics through screenings of literature-adapted films and academic talks.
The colorful menagerie sprung from the fertile imagination of artist Hung Yi has taken up residence at New York City's Garment District in Midtown Manhattan.
The Central Naval Museum in St Petersburg is showcasing a collection of historic documents & photos that juxtapose Taiwan in the 1870s with its contemporary visage.
'Mode in Taiwan,' a fashion exhibition featuring 75 works by 3 London-based Taiwanese designers, is being held at the Calais Lace Museum in northern France.
Ministry Updates
Transforming CKS Memorial Hall for transitional justice
The Ministry of Culture believes that in the pursuit of historical accuracy, the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall has to be transformed on the basis of 'facing history, recognizing agony, and respecting human rights.'
'Coastline – 360° Experimental Video'
A digital exhibition examining issues pertaining to Taiwan's environment and unbalanced development through a 360° video is availble at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.
'Splendid Resonance: Ancient Chinese Jade Culture'
A special exhibition featuring jade items loaned by the Henan Museum is currently available at the Taipei-based National Museum of History through March 12.
Cultural Features
Chen Tzu-fu, a master of the dying art of hand-drawn illustrations for cinema, has drawn more than 5,000 film posters that reflect the history of Taiwan cinema. Chen's works successfully promoted films and preserved the evolving aesthetics of a modernizing Taiwan.
Poster Artist | Chen Tzu-fu
As the well-respected director of the Taitung-based National Museum of Prehistory, Chang Shan-nan espoused the idea of 'museums exist for the public,' transforming the nation's first-ever prehistory museum into a participatory cultural platform during his six-year term of office.
Heritage Preservationist | Chang Shan-nan
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