Cultural Division, Taipei Representative Office in Germany
The Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office in Germany was created after the May 20, 2012 establishment of the Ministry of Culture of Taiwan (Republic of China).
It is responsible for cultural affairs between Taiwan and Germany, including the facilitation of collaborative cultural projects, the provision of subsidies and grants, the creation of cultural networks between the two nations, and the compilation and communication of cultural trends and relevant information.
Past Events
March 2020 | Berlin International Film Festival
October 2019 | Frankfurt Book Fair
September 2019 | Flaneur Festival
May 2019 | Taiwan Film Festival Berlin
February 2019 | VIDEONALE
December 2018 | Crisis of Now: Contemporary Asian Photography I
October 2018 | Frankfurt Book Fair
September 2018 | Internationale Tanzmesse NRW
June 2018 | Besuch Taiwan in Berlin
June 2018 | A Taiwanese-German Creativity Symposium
May 2018 | Donghuachun Friseursalon
February 2018 | Berlin International Film Festival
November 2017 | From Far East
April 2017 | Taiwan Film Week
February 2017 | Berlin International Film Festival
September 2016 | Internationale Tanzmesse NRW
May 2016 | 'Hou Hsiao-hsien Retrospektive'
November 2015 | Bazaar Berlin
February 2015 | Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
September 2014 | 'Buddha on the Beach'
April 2014 | 'Taiwan Today'
November 2013 | University of Tubingen