To help introduce Taiwanese cinema to Japan, the international premiere of several Taiwan-produced movies will be held in Osaka this March. Many prominent movie stars and directors will also join the star-studded events.
Taiwanese digital artist Chiang Iuan-hau and choreographer Sun Shang-chi will participate in the Biennale Musiques en Scene 2014, a contemporary arts festival that will run from March 5 to 29 at Lyon, France.
The Arts Club of Washington has organized an art exhibition featuring two solo Taiwanese artists, Amanda Tseng and Yuan Chin-taa. The curated event will run from March 7 through 29 in Washington, D.C.
The National Center for Performing Arts, an administrative corporation that will govern Taiwan's top performance venues in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, is expected to be established in mid-April.
The awards ceremony for the 33rd National Cultural Award of the Republic of China (Taiwan) was held on Feb. 28. The two winners honored this year were contemporary writer Pai Hsien-yung and renowned architect Wang Da-hong.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the Maritime Cultural and Popular Music Center, an US$179.84-million infrastructure project spearheaded by the Ministry of Culture, was held on March 3. It is expected to be completed in 2015.
Burmese human rights activist Ma Thida, who is known for writing about her country’s political situation, visited the National Museum of Taiwan Literature on March 3 to learn about the promotion of literature in Taiwan.
More than a dozen renowned percussion groups from around the world will visit Taiwan in May. The festival, now in its 21st year, is organized under the theme of “Infinity of Motion” and will run for six days.
R.O.C. Founding Father Dr. Sun Yat-sen had been a strong advocate for the economic and environmental values of trees; hence, March 12 was chosen to commemorate both his passing and the importance of arbor preservation.
Featuring students who have graduated from universities in Taiwan, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall exhibition displays the artworks of 66 artists from Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan from March 1 to 12.