Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program Special Area
Digital Infrastructure
1. During the development of digital infrastructure, "content infrastructure" is the key driver of the integration of facilities and processes and advancing of the digital economy. Within the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program - Digital Infrastructure /Target III: Cultural creative & Ultra-HD content, the Ministry of Culture (MOC) has proposed three such programs, namely the Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank and Digital Value-Added Application Program, the Forward-Looking Program to Upgrade UHDTV Content and the Program for New Media Cross-Platform Content Production. Their purpose is to encourage the film and television industries to better utilize local telecom service providers to more effectively leverage local content when producing 4K UHD content through supplying suitable explanations and interpretations of local cultural knowledge. At the same time, it intends to harness current media communication technologies to cultivate original Taiwanese IP such as ACG (anime, cartoons and games) and help with their multi-purposing, along with fostering cross-field innovation of applications and more diverse business models. In this way, the various industries will be guided to cooperate with each other and so bring about greater interaction and a stronger connection between the creators, the enterprise sector and consumer markets. Moreover, it aims to catalyze the cultural content industry ecosystem through the further integration of facilities and processes, IP, new media platforms and innovation in diversified business models to maximize the augmentation and creation of “cultural content”. Details of the programs are described below:
(1) Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank and Digital Value-Added Application Program
By leveraging original Taiwanese cultural elements and life experiential knowledge accumulated in the past, we intend to foster the preservation, translation, opening and utilization of that what is essentially a component of our cultural DNA via the tools offered by digital technology. Furthermore, by drawing on local knowledge in national writing and action to construct real and the virtual worlds side by side, promote a two-track physical and virtual socio-cultural movement.
Taiwan Cultural Memory Bank and Digital Value-Added Application Program(2) Forward-Looking Program to Upgrade UHDTV ContentGiving everyone an expanded audio-visual sensory experience anytime, anywhere with high-quality and original cultural content from Taiwan through the creation of 4K ultra-high-definition (UHD) film and television programs; creating value-added applications in the cultural economy. Moreover, with multiple themes, making Taiwanese original film and TV content and engaging in cross-border cooperation to retain and nurture talent, drive the upgrading of the film and TV content industry and improve local cultural content.
Forward-Looking Program to Upgrading UHDTV Content(3) Program for New Media Cross-Platform Content ProductionThe objective is assisting domestic ACG, film, television and audio content producers get the most from the new media platforms and continue to produce original Taiwanese creative content and so enhance the audio-visual capability of the nation. Additionally, it aims to revolutionize technology, marketing and business models and further innovate and diversify convergence services to allow the IP to expand its application value through multiple applications.
Program for New Media Cross-Platform Content Production2. In order to construct a favorable digital innovation and a safe and reliable basic environment for providing integrated services to the MOC for innovative applications, the MOC put forward the Overall Plan for the Foundation of the Ministry of Culture Data Center to take part in the National Development Council led Digital Construction/Target I: Build cybersecurity infrastructure, provide secure online services \4-1 advancing cybersecurity infrastructure \4-1-1 Public servants and educator green energy cloud data service. The goal of the plan proposed by the MOC is to centralize information upwards and provide a one-stop and fully integrated service to the public. The major items on the work agenda are the integration of information and communication infrastructure, integrated services for consolidated cloud computer rooms, the standardization of communication-based computer equipment rooms, and the integration of information system services. The MOC anticipates building a stable, flexible and green information infrastructure to improve the quality of e-government services and reduce unnecessary or repetitive information fund investment from multiple departments and agencies.
Overall Plan for the Foundation of the Ministry of Culture Data CenterMore information is available from the Executive Yuan's English site.