The National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) announced on July 16 its 2020-21 season highlights, which will feature 23 musical repertoires of the Series of Nature, the Series of Beethoven's Symphonies, and the Maestro Series, giving 50 performances around the island.
The Cultural Division of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Sydney and Australian non-profit organization 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art (4A) signed their first feasibility agreement on July 22 for joint sponsorship of an Australia-based exhibition on ceramic art. Titled "Drawn by stones," the exhibition is expected to take place in 2021.
To mark cursive script calligraphy master Yu You-ren's (1879-1964) 141st birthday, the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, and the Taipei-based Chinese Standard Cursive Script Association are presenting the "Yu You-ren Calligraphy Heritage Exhibition" at SYSMH gallery from July 18 through August 2.