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ISSUE #306
The Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles is hosting a multidisciplinary exhibition on queer art to investigate the politics of the human body from a global mindset.
moCa Cleveland is presenting a group of seminal works by famed Taiwanese artist Lee Mingwei as the centerpiece of its 50th anniversary suite of exhibitions.
Incense offerings, rice paper drawings, and mantra inscriptions by Taiwanese artist Charwei Tsai are now on display at the Rubin Museum of Art.
Featuring 36 contemporary Taiwanese artists, Taiwan's culture of freedom is being showcased through the arts at the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore.
"Lightscapes: Re-envisioning the Sanshuihua" hopes to bring forth new interpretations of Chinese landscape ink painting by using art-based methodologies.
Ministry Updates
Weekly Cultural Newsletter from Taiwan #306_圖片_6
Miaoli County's Chuhuangkeng is the site of the first oil well in Asia, where drilling began in 1861. Today it is a world-class piece of active industrial heritage that was officially recognized by the government as a cultural landmark in 2008.
Workshop held to match writers with publishers
The Ministry of Culture organized a workshop on March 29 to match eight young literary creators supported by the Ministry's "Youth Creators" grants program with Taiwanese publishers, digital platform providers, and audiovisual operators.
Cultural Features
Hsiao-hung Pai is a Taiwanese investigative writer based in the UK who focuses on issues around illegal migrant labor, Asian migrants, and their integration into and conflict with European society.
Investigative Writer | Hsiao-hung Pai
Shyu Ruey-shiann is one of Taiwan's most important pioneers of contemporary mechanical art who transforms cold, hard industrial materials into kinetic sculptures that exude warmth while maintaining an expression of immense tension and conflict.
Kinetic Artist | Shyu Ruey-shiann
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