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ISSUE #295
Festive Lunar New Year prints from Taiwan are being showcased for the first time at Chelyabinsk, a Russian city close to the Ural Mountains.
The world-renowned Mori Art Museum has invited two Taiwan artists to join its disaster-themed program "Catastrophe and the Power of Art."
Hsu Chia-wei cuts across time and geography to narrate the history of the Malayan tapir and its relations to colonial powers and zoos in Southeast Asia.
Two Taiwan acts have been invited to participate in the inaugural Thailand Biennale — the foremost international exhibition of contemporary arts in Thailand.
Featuring 36 contemporary Taiwanese artists, Taiwan's culture of freedom is being showcased through the arts at the Taipei Representative Office in Singapore.
Ministry Updates
National Languages Development Act passes review
The National Languages Development Act lays out clear guarantees for the inheritance, revitalization, and development of the native languages of Taiwan's people (including Taiwan Sign Language).
Taichung spotlights Vietnam
"Stunning Vietnam" is organized by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage to raise awareness of conservation practices pertaining to intangible heritage, and to help the Taiwanese public better understand the history, culture, and people of Vietnam.
CKS Memorial Hall hosts democratization exhibition
Through holographic projection and multimedia technology, this National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall exhibition offers insights on the process of democratization and the pursuit of human rights and rule of law from 1970s Taiwan to the present day.
Cultural Features
Qiu Miaojin was a lesbian modernist writer who marked a milestone for Taiwanese queer literature in the 1990s with novels such as "Notes of a Crocodile" and "Last Words from Montmartre."
Novelist | Qiu Miaojin
Lawa Piheg is the last person in Taiwan who has the full-faced tattoo that represents the traditional culture of the indigenous Atayal ethnic group, for whom face tattooing is an important custom that symbolizes the rite of passage. 
Weekly Cultural Newsletter from Taiwan #295圖片_6
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