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ISSUE #628
The New York Asian Film Festival is celebrating its 22nd edition with a lineup featuring some of the most striking and daring new films from Taiwan, including "Bad Education," "Marry My Dead Body," "Eye of the Storm," "Miss Shampoo," and "Gaga."
"Fever Genesis," a contemporary art exhibition curated by the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab, features a collection of experimental and innovative artwork by six talented Taiwanese contemporary artists in various forms, such as installation, photography, and video art.
With the support of the Taiwan Cultural Center in Japan and the National Culture and Arts Foundation, an exhibition featuring collaborative artworks of three Taiwanese artists is held at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media in Japan from June 3 to Sep. 3.
Ministry Updates
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The opening of the 2023 National Art Exhibition and its award ceremony were held at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung City on July 22. According to the NTMoFA, the National Art Exhibition aims to find creative talents and encourage art creation.
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The second Matsu Biennial, co-organized by the Lienchiang County Government and the General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC), will take place from Sept. 23 through Nov. 12 in four townships across five islands of Matsu under the theme of "Ruby Red after Summer (Tshiang-ngoyngˋ-kuoˋ-ha^)."
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Su Ching-liang, the preserver of cement repair and construction techniques, passed away at the age of 89. Culture Minister Shih Che commended his lifelong commitment to preserving and passing down traditional cement construction techniques as well as his active participation in the restoration of national monuments.
Cultural Features
Taiwanese sculptor Tseng Mei-chen has been living in Italy for 20 years, dedicating herself to creating and promoting wood engraving. She is the only Taiwanese member of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers in the UK. Her work, the "Landscape of Words" series, has been recognized with awards at the annual exhibition of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers.
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The Kaohsiung City Government proposed the Hamasen Restoration Project, seeking and receiving funding subsidies from the Ministry of Culture's Reconstruction of Historical Scenes project. Hamasen was the name of the first modern organized neighborhood in Taiwan created by land reclamation during the Japanese rule of Taiwan, an area that could be considered the starting point of modern Kaohsiung.
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