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ISSUE #627
Taiwanese indigenous choreographer Bulareyaung Pagarlava, who won the National Award for Arts last year, led his troupe to tour in Malaysia for the first time in mid-July, bringing the premiere of their work "Luna" to Southeast Asian audiences.
Resident Island Dance Theatre embarked on a month-long tour to the United States earlier this month to perform "Ice Age," an international collaboration project that was first presented at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival in the UK.
Taiwanese artists present their creations to showcase the close connection between vegetation and human lifestyle at the Rencontres d'Arles, an annual photography festival in France, with an aim to use art as a medium to increase ecological awareness.
Ministry Updates
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Winners of the 12th Presidential Culture Awards were announced on July 18, with five individuals and groups honored for their cultural contributions. The five recipients include Liao Chiung-chih, Hualien Kavalan Development Association, TransAsia Sisters Association Taiwan, Zhang Xu-zhan, and documentary program "Our Island."
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To stabilize and revitalize the performing arts sector after the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Culture organized the "Cultural Tour: Theaters at Villages" event, with 10 performances taking place in 10 counties/cities across Taiwan from August to December. Over 60 local performing arts groups will be involved in the event.
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Hsu Ming-he, the preserver of trencadís and clay sculpture, passed away on July 17 at the age of 82. Culture Minister Shih Che commended Hsu for his dedication to passing down the techniques of trencadís and clay sculpture in traditional architecture and cultivating numerous talents.
Cultural Features
Ho Chau-chu was born in 1931 in a Hakka farming village in Qionglin Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan. He was a prominent painter and part of the first generation of outstanding artists in Taiwan after World War II. Influenced by his father, who was a master of painting Buddha statues, and inspired and encouraged by his art teacher in high school, Ho developed a strong interest in art.
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Shakespeare's Wild Sisters Group, also known as SWS, was established in the summer of 1995. The name of the group is derived from a character in Virginia Woolf's book "A Room of One's Own," symbolizing the liberation of women's talents from the oppression of the male-dominated system. The group aims to develop original scripts and avant-garde theater aesthetics, with no limitations on themes, forms, or issues.
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