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ISSUE #315
To provide Californian residents with a final chance to see the treasures of Taiwan, Sun Ten Museum is holding one last showcase of its century-spanning collection.
The Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo's "The Mirror of Time: Dry Plate Photography Exhibition" will introduce Taiwan's photographic heritage to Japanese exhibitiongoers.
moCa Cleveland is presenting a group of seminal works by famed Taiwanese artist Lee Mingwei as the centerpiece of its 50th anniversary suite of exhibitions.
Incense offerings, rice paper drawings, and mantra inscriptions by Taiwanese artist Charwei Tsai are now on display at the Rubin Museum of Art.
"Lightscapes: Re-envisioning the Sanshuihua" hopes to bring forth new interpretations of Chinese landscape ink painting by using art-based methodologies.
Ministry Updates
Workshop launched for training restoration specialists
A workshop founded by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage for cultivating heritage restoration specialists began operations on May 31 with an opening ceremony held at the Cultural Heritage Park in central Taiwan.
Top theater NGO extends Taipei stay to 2025
President Bert Determann of the International Organisation of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT) signed an agreement on May 28 to extend Taiwan's role as the host of OISTAT's international headquarters by another five years.
Cultural Features
Liao Wen-mi is recognized as a national preservationist for the "traditional masonry" category, which encompasses traditional Han architectural work and modern Japanese-style architecture. These skills remain indispensable today in the repair of Taiwan's tangible cultural heritage.
Masonry Expert | Liao Wen-mi
Founded in 1970, Jin-Ing-Ger Puppet Troupe began as a family act based in Kaohsiung and has since been expanding its audience base throughout Taiwan by generational creativity in utilizing special puppets that are enlarged in size and more personified in body movements.
Jin-Ing-Ger Puppet Troupe
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