The Ministry of Culture (MOC), collaborating with the Ministry of Education, the National Palace Museum (NPM), and the Chinese Association of Museums (CAM), launched a web page, "Museum Online Exhibitions," which brings together online exhibitions of more than 40 museums and cultural centers across the country, on occasion of the International Museum Day on May 18.
The International Council of Museums (ICOM) designated May 18 each year as International Museum Day since 1977.
The MOC stated that in response to the reinforced epidemic prevention measures, most of the originally planned activities in Taiwan's museums have been cancelled or postponed. In line with the theme of this year’s International Museum Day, "The Future of Museums: Recover and Reimagine (博物館的未來:復甦與新象)," the MOC has launched the "Museum Online Exhibitions," which will allow people to circumvent the confinement incurred by the pandemic and "visit" museums without leaving the place of residence.
The MOC pointed out that the more than 70 exhibitions related to the humanities, arts, and nature displayed on the "Museum Online Exhibitions" include "Grand Tour of Tea: An Amazing Adventure (茶遊記-茶的超時空壯遊特展)" jointly organized by the National Museum of History (NMH) and Pinglin Tea Museum of New Taipei City, "Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures (飲酒Bar-亞洲酒文化特展)" launched by the NMH and the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology (SSHM), as well as "Palatable Reads (飽讀食書—臺灣珍味文學展)" launched by the National Museum of Taiwan Literature (NMTL).
Moreover, the CAM has collaborated with the platform "Open Museum (開放博物館)" of Academia Sinica (中央研究院) to create a digital museum, presenting National Taiwan Museum’s (NTM) "Microfossil: The Exquisite Beauty Under the Sea (微美幻境)," "Drawing Nature (繪自然-博物館畫裡的臺灣)," and "Seed Art Museum (種子美術館)." The digital platform features rich collections containing knowledge and aesthetics.
Meanwhile, the "FUN NEXT" electronic services platform of the Ministry of Culture is offering member exclusive preferential treatment, special limited giveaways by purchasing the Taiwan Museum Pass (愛臺灣博物館卡). The International Museum Day promotion activity will last until June 16.
The "518 International Museum Day" Facebook fan page will push out a raffle ticket lucky draw event every week, and the prizes include museum tickets, cultural and creative products and one-year Taiwan Museum Pass.
The MOC stated that the International Museum Day activities of all museums will adjust in accordance with guidelines from the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), and the museums will make announcements on their websites. For more information on the International Museum Day activities and preferential offers, please visit the Facebook page here.