Film and video productions of the National Palace Museum (NPM) in Taipei won 26 Remi awards of various categories in the 54th WorldFest Houston International Film and Video Festival (休士頓獨立製片與國際影片影展) . "A True Taiwanese Welcome (故宮好客)," an English-language brochure packed with information about the historic museum, won a platinum Remi award in the TV Commercials / Public Service Announcements category.
The museum announced that NPM’s entries to the festival’s competitions won one platinum, nine gold, ten silver, and six bronze awards.
WorldFest bestows awards in 10 major film and video categories as well as some sub-categories.
The museum has achieved many firsts in creating this year’s award-winning works, including the making of the video "A New Vision of National Treasures (國寶新視界)" by using 8K digital projection technologies and producing the Taiwanese TV series "Palace of Serendipity (故事宮寓)," which features award-winning actors and national treasures from the museum. Both titles were awarded gold under the Arts / Cultural and Television / Web Production categories, respectively.
Other gold award winning productions include "Views From The South (南得一見)," a NPM collection guide in Southeast Asian languages, and "Spirited From Hands and Nature : The world of ancient Chinese bronzes (匠心神技)," the first animated short film by NPM on the subject of ancient Chinese Bronzes.
NPM’s "Children’s Gallery 2.0" which was inaugurated in 2020 won the gold award under the Interactive / Educational / Children category. NPM pointed out that, it will continue to make extensive use of digital media to incorporate the educational materials in the museum, offering visitors an immersive experience while introducing NPM’s collections.
Founded in 1961, WorldFest is an internationally renowned film festival and one of the three largest international film festivals in North America, ranking with San Francisco Independent Film Festival and New York Film Festival, with more than 4,574 category entries received from 74 nations in 2020.
(Photo courtesy of NPM)