In conjunction with the 32nd Taipei International Book Exhibition (TiBE) that will take place at the Taipei World Trade Center from Feb. 20 to 25, the Ministry of Culture (MOC) announced “Culture Points (文化幣)” incentives to encourage young adults to visit the exhibition and support local writers and publishers.
Young adults aged between 16 and 22 years old who use the Culture Points can enjoy a rebate of the same amount as the TiBE entry ticket, as well as getting one point as a reward for every two points spent in the exhibition, for up to 600 points.
The Culture Points is a cash handout program launched by the MOC last June to encourage young adults to engage in cultural activities. The next round of Cultural Points redemption will start on Jan. 20, with the eligible age expanded from 18 to 21 years old to 16 to 22 years old. Citizens of Taiwan and foreign nationals holding alien resident certificates who were born between Jan. 1, 2002, and Dec. 31, 2008, can redeem 1200 points through the dedicated mobile app.
For more information, please visit the TiBE website.