The queer science fiction novel "The Membranes (膜)" by Taiwanese writer Chi Ta-wei (紀大偉) has garnered praise from Helsingin Sanomat, Finland's largest newspaper, which hailed it as a timeless classic brimming with surprises.
Translated by Rauno Sainio and published to Finnish readers in February, "The Membranes" has received critical acclaim from Helsingin Sanomat’s book review on Mar. 9.
The review highlighted that while queer themes have become mainstream in recent science fiction literature, none quite compare to "The Membranes." Originally published in 1996, it pioneered this genre within Chinese literature and marks the first science fiction novel from Taiwan to be translated into Finnish.
The review also noted that despite being published almost 30 years ago, the novel remains relevant to current societal issues, especially in the exploration of the protagonist’s struggle with identity crisis and gender confusion.
The book’s author Chi Ta-wei will visit Finland in mid-June to meet with readers in the northern European country.
(Image: Hertta Kustannus)