The 2020 Tainan International Human Rights Festival will take place in the National Cheng Kung University in the historic city in southern Taiwan from Nov. 1 to Dec.12, with a series of events casting light on Taiwanese abroad, indigenous community, and migrants living and working in the nation.
Now in its second year, the event is part of the 2019 pact inked by the university and the National Human Rights Museum with the aim of promoting human rights education and inspiring artistic creations surrounding the theme.
Titled "Migrating Human Rights," the 2020 festival will be officially opened on Nov. 3, with the Bulareyaung Dance Company performing its 2019 production 《# Yes or No》. The award-winning contemporary dance group is known for showcasing indigenous languages and physical prowess through dance and song.
Organized by the university's Art Center, the upcoming event branches out into three major exhibitions: "Voice of Stranger Land: Power of Media from 'Voice of Taiwan'(他鄉的聲音:「臺灣之音」媒介的力量特展)," "Traces of Migration: A Collection of Theatre Documents (離散的紀實與紋理-劇場文件展)," and "IN/SIDE OUT : Contemporary Aboriginal Art (裡/外:當代藝術展)."
The "Voice of Stranger Land: Power of Media from 'Voice of Taiwan'" highlights the efforts made by Taiwanese in North America in the 1970s and 1980s to advance human rights and democracy in Taiwan.
"Traces of Migration: A Collection of Theatre Documents," meanwhile, showcases installations chronicling theatre performances inspired by circumstances facing migrants in Taiwan over the past twenty years. Seminars, workshops and performances will be held in line with the exhibition.
With the focuses on indigenous migration and identity, "IN/SIDE OUT: Contemporary Aboriginal Art" seeks to spark conversations on migration and identity of the indigenous community through contemporary artworks and live theatre performances.
In addition to exhibitions and performances, the festival encompasses a variety of events, including concerts, forums, and film screenings, according to Ma Min-yuan (馬敏元), who heads the Art Center.
Through arts, it is hoped that the festival will raise greater awareness of human rights issues and call attention to the current situation of different ethnic groups in Taiwan, Chen Chun-hung (陳俊宏), director of the National Human Rights Museum, said at a press conference on Oct. 14.
'Tainan International Human Rights Festival'
Voice of Stranger Land: Power of Media from 'Voice of Taiwan'
Date: Nov. 10 – Dec. 10 2020
Venue: National Cheng Kung University Library
Traces of Migration: A Collection of Theatre Documents
Date: Nov. 9 – Dec. 12 2020
Venue: College X, National Cheng Kung University
Date: Nov. 10 – Dec. 1 2020
Venue: National Cheng Kung University Art Center