The Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center (蒙藏文化館) under the Ministry of Culture launched a special exhibition "DEITY OF WISDOM-Encountering in the Festival of Lighting," displaying a total of 128 cultural relics in addition to the rarely-seen sarira (舍利) of Je Tsongkhapa (宗喀巴). The exhibits also include several pieces including Buddha statues, Thangka, ritual objects, and Tibetan furniture that were generously provided by collectors.
The exhibition will display collections along with installations such as decorations, interaction devices, and videos. Visitors can learn about Tibetan festivals such as Galdan Namchot (燃燈節), which commemorates Je Tsongkhapa's Buddhahood, Losar (藏曆新年), which is the Tibetan New Year, and Chotrul Duchen (酥油花燈節), also known as the Butter Lantern Festival that closely follows Losar.
According to the Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center, there are four major sects in Tibetan Buddhism, among them, the Gelug school was founded by Je Tsongkhapa. In the Tibetan calendar, Galdan Namchot, the celebration of Je Tsongkhapa's Buddhahood falls on October 25. On that day, lama and villagers would light lanterns inside and outside temples, on windowsills, and on the streets.
The special exhibition "DEITY OF WISDOM-Encountering in the Festival of Lighting" will run from Dec. 17 to March 12, 2023 at the Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Gallery. During the exhibition period, a series of lectures and cultural activities will be held on Saturday afternoons. The lectures will provide a comprehensive introduction to Tibetan life and culture, including Thangka artworks, Buddhism, Tibet travel, and more. Tibetan New Year customs, religion, and life will be explored through activities and craft workshops. For more information, please visit the Facebook
page of the Mongolian and Tibetan Cultural Center.