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Horse Dance Theater

  • Publish Date:2016-03-16
Horse Dance Theater

Did You Know That ... ?

  • Horse Dance Theater (驫舞劇場) has a revolving roster of dancers throughout the years, giving the troupe an extra degree of flexibility to explore different forms of dance and themes.

  • The troupe has also served as a cradle for Taiwanese dance talent, cultivating choreographers and dancers such as Huang Yi (黃翊) and Chou Shu-yi (周書毅) over the years.

  • Its 2008 performance at New York's Joyce Theater was praised by The New York Times as "a feast of evocative, playful small dances showcasing the supple physicality and subtle dramatic gifts of its performers,” and that "think warmer and fuzzier Pilobolus and you have Horse.”

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