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Art Bank headquarters inaugurated in Taichung

By launching the nationwide Art Bank initiative on April 13 to promote the importance of visual arts, the Ministry of Culture has helped Taiwan join the ranks of culturally-affluent nations such as Australia, Canada, and South Korea.

The Art Bank headquarters was officially inaugurated in April at the central Taiwanese city of Taichung. A jazz band formed by local entrepreneurs performed at the inaugural ceremony to mark the new milestone in Taiwan’s cultural journey. 

Culture Minister Lung Ying-tai:

Today was made possible by the golden triad of art. The public sector is responsible for providing a fertile environment conducive to artistic creation; the formulation and implementation of such policies is the first prerequisite. The second condition is for artists to enrich society with their creations. The triad can then only be completed if artists attract corporate sponsorship.

The Taichung business community greeted the Art Bank initiative with great enthusiasm; 10 business owners contributed NT$2 million each to the project to encourage the public in leasing Taiwanese artworks.

The first floor of the Art Bank's headquarters operates a showcase room to provide a sample of Taiwanese creativity. The second floor is the storage area, where those who are interested in leasing can also talk directly to curators at the venue. This set up allows for art to enter people’s daily lives.

Culture Minister Lung Ying-tai:

Now that the first and only Art Bank in Taiwan is set up, we can discuss its three main purposes. Firstly, art should not be confined within museum walls, but should be part of our daily routines. Secondly, children can learn to appreciate art and beauty from a younger age through such exposure. Thirdly, Taiwanese artists receive more opportunities for buyers to see their works.

The second open call received significantly more applications and support from local artists, and the Art Bank’s collections will be available for rent starting the latter half of this year. More information can be found at the Art Bank’s official website at: