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ISSUE #490
Four cinematic works from Taiwan – two feature films "Detention" and "Get the Hell Out," and two short films "Growing Pains" and "See You, Sir" – will be presented on Hawaii International Film Festival (HIFF) streaming platform.
The inaugural Queer East Film Festival will take place online and in-cinemas across the U.K. until January 2021, with Taiwan as the country of focus this year. Taiwan will be showcasing its rich tradition of LGBTQ+ filmmaking with 10 feature films and 8 short films.
Taiwanese conceptual artist Michael Lin, known for his site-specific installations inspired by Hakka floral prints, has been invited by the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Toronto to present his intricate works through Mar. 28, 2021.
Ministry Updates
Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music
In a historic decision, the panel of judges for the 31st Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music named two winners in the Best Instrumental Performance category, violinist Li I-ching and guitarist Su Meng-feng, for their impeccable performances.
Tainan International Human Rights Festival kicks off
The 2020 Tainan International Human Rights Festival will take place at the National Cheng Kung University from Nov. 1 to Dec.12, with a series of events casting light on Taiwanese abroad, indigenous community, and migrants living and working in the nation.
Condolences for the passing of Taiwan modernist writer
Minister of Culture Lee Yung-te expressed condolences over the passing of Taiwanese writer Qi Deng-sheng at the age of 81. Qi, whose real name is Liu Wu-hsiung, penned a number of literary works and novels which reflect his journey pursuing authenticity and aesthetics.
Cultural Features
Every aspect of singing, reading, and combat is integrated into his act, and Ellvan Ku Yi-fan has sought out the linkages between Peking and Taiwanese operas to gain new ideas to better his performances.
Taiwanese Opera Artist | Ellvan Ku Yi-fan
John Hsu's path to becoming a film director was nearly accidental, and began with his graduation project "Server #15," a refreshing short film integrated with video game attributes.
Filmmaker-Director | John Hsu
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