"Eastern Legends” is a special series offering traditional Taiwanese and Chinese folk songs recomposed in rock and pop style.
Apart from classic Chinese instruments such as the pipa, guzheng, erhu, ruan, yangqin, and dizi, this series also includes drums, bass, keyboard, guitars and remix tools.
"Love Song of Kangding (康定情歌)” - A traditional Tibetan folk song that originated from Kangding in Sichuan Province, it has been sampled and performed by stars such as Taiwan's A-Mei (張惠妹) and Hong Kong's William So (蘇永康).
"Chase (追逐)” - An original production composed by Chan Hsun-wei (詹勳偉) for Chai Found's "Eastern Legends” series.
"Divination Tune (卜卦調)” - The tradition of divination, or pugua, is celebrated in this Taiwanese folk song.
"The Warrior's Song (勇士之歌)” - An original production composed by Chan Hsun-wei (詹勳偉) for Chai Found's "Eastern Legends” series.
"Wind (風)” - An original production composed by Chai Found founder Huang Chen-ming (黃正銘).