The 2022 Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) will run from April 14 to 24, featuring 6 Taiwanese films including "Moneyboys," "Listen Before You Sing," "Execution in Autumn," "Night Bus," "Part Forever," and "Tank Fairy." These films will be screened in person and available virtually for the whole festival.
The Taiwan Academy of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles partners with the National Museum of Taiwan Literature for the first time to present "Literature and Migration: Flowing Across Words," featuring 7 Taiwanese literary works, at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books from April 23 to 24.
Supported by the Taipei Music Center (TMC) and the Taipei Cultural Center in New York, an exhibition marking the successful completion of TMC, a new musical district within Taipei, opened at Cooper Union’s Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture on April 6.