Organized by the Cultural Division of the Taipei Representative Office in Germany and the Kunsthalle Winterthur art museum, Taiwanese contemporary artist Su Hui-yu's two comprehensive video installations will be on view at the museum in Switzerland until Nov. 14.
To expand the channels for promoting Taiwanese books in Japan, the Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo has organized the "Taiwan Book Fair" from Oct. 15 to the end of November, connecting 20 independent bookstores in Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa, Nagano, Aichi, Wakayama, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Kagawa, Tottori, and Fukuoka, among others.
The Cultural Division of Taipei Representative Office in Italy and the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Roma Tre University will jointly launch the "Translation and Promotion Plan of TV Series Adapted from Taiwan Classic Literature" at the Roma Tre University from Oct. 14 to Dec. 9.