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ISSUE #632
The 76th Edinburgh Fringe Festival features works from Taiwan including "World in A Word" by Double & Cross Theater Group, "#Since1994" by Eye Catching Circus, "The Way Back" by The Double Theater, and "Duo" by 0471 Acro Physical Theater.
The Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo is hosting an exhibition at the Centre's gallery from July 7 until Aug. 31 to showcase the culture of Taiwanese tea as well as a selection of tea wares used in the preparation and drinking of tea.
Taiwanese artists present their creations to showcase the close connection between vegetation and human lifestyle at the Rencontres d'Arles, an annual photography festival in France, with an aim to use art as a medium to increase ecological awareness.
Ministry Updates
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The current Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development (BAMID) Director Hsu Yi-chun will succeed Lee Lien-chuan as the Vice Culture Minister while Lee will take on the role of Executive Yuan advisor.
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Scheduled to take place from Sept. 22 through Oct. 1, the Creative Expo Taiwan 2023 (CET 2023) will, for the first time, present a number of large-scale performing arts shows in its main exhibition area—Taiwan Contemporary Cultural Lab—in Taipei.
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Taiwan performance troupes have been performing in the world-renowned Edinburgh Festival Fringe under the "Taiwan Season" brand for 10 consecutive years, building a brand and reputation as one of the most popular segments of the festival.  
Cultural Features
Starting from zero to becoming a skilled performer, Chang Chin-kuei has been inspired by Professor Chung Ming-kun, a Manzhou ballads promoter, and mentored by a recognized national treasure of the art, Chang Ri-gui. With passion and determination, she has worked hard to fulfill her mission of promoting Manzhou ballads. 
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Causeway Bay Books was originally located in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. In addition to selling regular cultural, artistic, and historical books, this bookstore was also known for selling banned books that could not be published or sold in China. Many Chinese tourists would make a special trip to this bookstore to purchase political books.
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