The Taiwan Cultural Center in Tokyo is hosting an exhibition featuring 25 ink-color paintings that depict Taiwan's landscapes and people from March 15 to April 14. The artist behind these paintings is Katsuyuki Fujii, a Japanese painter who created them in memory of his daughter, who had a deep interest in Taiwan.
Starting in March, the National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI), a governmental bureau under the Finnish Ministry of Education, is launching an annual screening program featuring Taiwanese classic films at Kino Regina, a cinema in Finland, marking the first time that KAVI has promoted Taiwanese films as a special topic.
"Nature Matters," a new art exhibition co-organized by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States and Art Bank Taiwan, features the works of eight Taiwanese artists who specialize in modern art at Twin Oaks Estate in Washington D.C. from Aug. 12, 2022, until July 2023.