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ISSUE #600
In partnership with Taipei Cultural Center, Metrograph is hosting a new series, "Taipei Stories," from Dec. 23 to Jan. 7. This series focuses on directors Hou Hsiao Hsien and Edward Yang as storytellers of modern life in Taipei, as well as other filmmakers influenced by Hou, Yang, and Taiwan's New Wave Cinema Movement.
Organized by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the exhibition "Eye of the storm" is held at Le Lieu Unique, the national center for contemporary arts and music venue in Nantes, France, from Oct. 7, 2022, to Jan. 8, 2023. Seven artists are invited to join the exhibition.
Taiwanese new media artist Huang Hsin-chien presents his solo exhibition titled "The Data We Called Home" at the Pratt Manhattan Gallery in New York for the first time from Sep. 23, 2022 to Feb. 28, 2023. In the show, Huang explores spiritual, political, and literary themes in four virtual reality films, sculptures, and videos.
Ministry Updates
NCFTA cultivates art talents with first residency program
The National Center for Traditional Arts (NCFTA) launched its inaugural edition of the four-year residency program with the aim of cultivating successors of traditional performing arts. To mark the completion of the program, a certificate presentation ceremony and mentor appreciation ceremony were held on Jan. 4.
Weekly Cultural Newsletter from Taiwan #600_圖片_4
The 31st Taipei International Book Exhibition will be held at the Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1 from Jan. 31 to Feb. 5 under the theme of "The Multiverse of Reading," featuring Poland as the guest of honor. MOC stated that Poland was first invited as a guest of honor in 2017 and the invitation materialized after years of preparation.
Presidential citation sought for late author Hua Yen
Renowned author Hua Yen passed away on Dec. 10. Culture Minister Lee Yung-te expressed his condolences and stated that Hua Yen has influenced generations of Taiwanese as a prolific author and her passing is a massive loss to the literary world. In remembrance of her dedication, the MOC will apply for a posthumous presidential citation.
Cultural Features
Lu Chuang-shien was born in Taichung in 1916. After graduating from high school, he traveled to Japan to study music, majoring in piano. However, after his fingers were injured in an accident, he switched to vocal music, and the choral lessons he received at that time had a profound impact on him, leading him to dedicate himself to songwriting and choral education.
Composer | Lu Chuang-shien
The Keelung Youth Front was established in 2014 when a group of Keelung youths was inspired by the Sunflower Movement to create a movement of their own in their hometown. In the beginning, the purpose of the organization was to bring together the power of the younger generation to contribute to the place where they grew up and motivate people to show interest in the issues that face their hometown.
Keelung Youth Front
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