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ISSUE #517
Performa's ENCORE will be featuring Taiwanese artist Su Hui-Yu's "The White Waters" everyday at 7pm Eastern Standard Time, or 7am Taiwan Standard Time until May 31 as part of a series of 10 Performa commissions from 2019.
The works of Taiwanese artist Luo Jr-shin, which aim at capturing and amplifying the illusionary and delusionary moments of everyday life, will be showcased at the 11th edition of Liverpool Biennial in Liverpool, England.
The Taiwan Pavilion jointly organized and curated by the NTMoFA, Divooe Zein Architects and Double-Grass International Co., will be featured at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, Italy until Nov. 21.
Ministry Updates
NPM wins 26 Remi awards at WorldFest-Houston
The National Palace Museum in Taipei announced that it has won 26 Remi awards of various categories in the 54th WorldFest Houston International Film and Video Festival, including "A True Taiwanese Welcome," which won a platinum Remi award in the TV Commercials / Public Service Announcements category.
Weekly Cultural Newsletter from Taiwan #517_圖片_4
Taiwan's representative to Italy Lee Sing-ying visited the Taiwan Pavilion jointly organized and curated by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Divooe Zein Architects, and Double-Grass International Co. at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition, which was launched at the Palazzo delle Prigioni in Venice, Italy on May 22.
2 indigenous preservers of
MOC recently announced that it has recognized Chang Feng-ying of the Seediq tribe and Yen Yu-ying of the Kavalan tribe as preservers of the traditional indigenous weaving techniques of "Gaya tminun" and "ni tenunan tu benina," respectively.
Cultural Features
Since its inception, the Ki-lrigan Culture Studio has operated on a non-profit, volunteer basis, organizing cultural activities such as teaching people about the history of the local temple, Cishenggong, and inviting people to the temple to hear stories and to worship by lighting incense.
Ki-lrigan Culture Studio
Cincin Lee studied classical music as a child and later moved on to pop, jazz, and film scores. As a female composer and musician, she is not only a rarity in Taiwan, but also on the world stage. She is also the only female composer to have won the Golden Horse Award for Best Original Film Score, making her the leading female composer in a century of Chinese-language cinema.
Scorer of Films | Cincin Lee
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