中文 | ENGLISH |
北管 | Beiguan |
京劇 | Beijing (Peking) Opera |
二人轉 | Benbeng Opera (Erh Jen Chuan) |
佛教儀式音樂 | Buddhist Ritual Music |
粵戲 | Cantonese Opera |
儒教音樂 | Confucian Ritual Music |
洞經音樂 | Dongjing Music |
高甲戲 | Kaochia Opera |
河北梆子 | Hebei Bangzi |
花鼓戲 | Huaguxi |
滬劇 | Huju |
吉劇 | Jiju |
晉劇 | Jinju |
口技 | Kouji |
快板 | Kuaiban |
崑曲 | Kunqu |
梨園戲 | Liyuan Opera |
呂劇 | Luju |
閩戲 | Min Opera |
南管 | Nanguan |
南戲 | Nanxi |
十二木卡姆 | On Ikki Muqam |
歐劇 | Ouju |
蒲劇 | Puju |
秦腔 | Shaanxi Opera |
越劇 | Shaoxing Opera |
川劇 | Sichuan Opera |
臺灣說唱音樂 | Taiwan Narrative Music (Taiwan Speech-and-Song Music) |
臺灣民謠 | Taiwanese Folk Songs |
歌仔戲 | Taiwanese Opera |
道教儀式音樂 | Taoist Ritual Music |
採茶戲 | Tea-picking Opera |
潮劇 | Teochew Opera |
藏族音樂 | Tibetan Music |
國樂 | Traditional Chinese Music |
無極 | Wuju |
豫劇 | Yuju Opera |
雜劇 | Zaju |
行當 | Traditional roles |
丑 | Chou / jester |
末 | Mo / scatterbrained elder |
文丑 | Wen Chou / clown / flawed character |
武丑 | Wu Chou / acrobatic jester |
旦 | Dan / female role |
彩旦 | Cai Dan / female jester |
刀馬旦 | Daoma Dan / female warrior / general |
花旦 | Hua Dan / young female |
老旦 | Lao Dan / older female |
青衣 | Qing Yi / virtuous lady (usually the protagonist |
武旦 | Wu Dan / female fighter / assassin / demoness |
淨 | Jing / strong male role (face painted to show force of character |
文淨 | Wen Jing / mature male character |
武淨 | Wu Jing / confrontational male character |
生 | Sheng / male lead |
老生 | Lao Sheng / dignified male (over 40 years old) |
娃娃生 | Wa Wa Sheng / child (under 14) |
武生 | Wu Sheng / noble hero |
小生 | Xiao Sheng / young male lead (beardless) |
雜 | Za / miscellaneous roles |
龍套 | Lung Tao / crowd, army (played by groups of 4) |
黑 / 粗 | Black / rough, uncultured |
綠 / 邪 | Green / sinister, diabolical |
紅 / 義 | Red / loyal, honest |
打 | To fight |
作 | To walk |
念 | To recite |
唱 | To sing |
著名作品 | Popular Pieces |
十面埋伏 | Ambush from All Sides |
塞上曲 | At The Northern Frontier Fortress |
漢宮秋月 | Autumn Moon over Han Palace |
月圓花好 | Beautiful Flower on a Full Moon |
靈山梵音 | Buddhist Music in the Spiritual Mountain |
彩雲追月 | Colored Cloud Chasing the Moon |
彝族舞曲 | Dance of the Yi People |
瑤族舞曲 | Dance of the Yao People |
漁樵問答 | Dialogue between the Fisherman and the Woodcutter |
胡笳十八拍 | Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute |
飛花點翠 | Floating Petals |
夕陽簫鼓 | Flutes and Drums at Dusk |
唐山過台灣無半點錢 | From Tang Mountain to Taiwan Without Any Money |
喜洋洋 | Great Happiness |
廣陵散 | Guangling Melody |
奉勸世間客家人 | Hakkas of the World |
高山流水 | High Mountains and Flowering Water |
賽馬 | Horse Racing |
百鳥朝鳳 | Hundred Birds Pay Homage to Phoenix |
剎猛打拼 | Hunting and Working Hard |
茉莉花 | Jasmine Flower |
正正當當作一個良善的人 | Make Your Hearts Right |
潯陽月夜 | Moonlit Night at Xunyang |
魚舟唱晚 | Night Song of the Fisherman |
鷓鴣飛 | Patridge in Flight |
陽關三疊 | Parting at Yang Guan Pass |
鳳凰展翅 | Phoenix Spreading Their Wings |
耕山耕田 | Plowing the Mountains and the Fields |
梅花三弄 | Plum Bloosom Melodies |
病中吟 | Recitation in Illness |
春江花月夜 | Spring Flowers on Moonlit River |
姑蘇行 | Suzhou Travel |
將軍令 | The General's Command |
月兒高 | The Moon Aloft |
二泉映月 | The Moon Mirrored in the Erquan Pool |
紫竹調 | The Purple Bamboo Tune |
陽春白雪 | White Snow in Early Spring |
金蛇狂舞 | Wild Dance of the Golden Snake |
平沙落雁 | Wild Geese Descending on the Sandbank |
布袋戲 | Glove puppetry |
人偶 | puppet |
操偶藝師 | puppet master |
布袋戲流派 | Schools of budaixi |
北管布袋戲 | Beiguan |
潮調布袋戲 | Chaodiao |
歌仔調布袋戲 | Gezaixi |
南管布袋戲 | Nanguan |
外江布袋戲 | Waijiang |
著名布袋戲操偶師 | Notable Taiwanese puppeteers |
鍾任祥 | Chung Jen-hsiang |
新興閣掌中劇團 | Hsin Hsing Ku Puppet Show Troupe |
李天祿 | Lee Tien-lu |
李天祿布袋戲文物館 | Lee Tien-lu Hand Puppet Museum |
亦宛然掌中劇團 | I Wan Jan Puppet Theater |
小宛然劇團 | Theatre du Petit Miroir |
「戲夢人生」 | The Puppetmaster |
許王 | Hsu Wang |
小西園掌中劇團 | Hsiao Hsi Yuan Puppet Theater |
小西園木偶藝術工作室 | Studio of Hsiao Hsi Yuan Puppetry Art |
黃海岱 | Huang Hai-dai |
忠勇孝義傳 | Anthology of the Loyal, Brave, Filial, and Righteous |
五洲園掌中劇團 | Wu Chou Yuan Puppet Theater |
雲林虎尾布袋戲館 | Yunlin Glove Puppetry Museum |
黃俊雄 | Huang Chun-hsiung |
金光戲 | Golden Light Puppetry (Jinguang-style Puppetry) |
史艷文 | Shih Yan-wen |
藏鏡人 | The Man in the Mirror |
「雲州大儒俠」 | The Great Martial Artist of Yunchou |
黃強華 | Huang Chiang-hua |
黃文擇 | Huang Wen-tse |
霹靂布袋戲 | Pili-style Glove Puppetry (Pili Puppetry) |
素還真 | So Hoan-chin (Su Huan-jen) |
黑白郎君 | The Man with the Ying-Yang Face |
獨眼龍 | The One-eyed Dragon |
客家戲 | Hakka opera Also known as: Hakka tea-picking opera |
三腳採茶戲 | Hakka tea-picking trio opera small-scale opera featuring three characters (two actresses, one clown) |
客家大戲 | grand Hakka opera large-scale opera with ensemble of characters and sophisticated storyline |
音樂元素 | Musical variations |
亂彈 | luantan |
四平 | siping |
外江 | waijiang |
客家戲代表性團隊 | Representative groups |
榮興客家採茶劇團 | Rom Shing Hakka Opera Troupe |
鄭榮興 | Cheng Jung-hsing |
鄭美妹 | Cheng Mei-mei |
《緣訂三生》 | 《A Fated Love Affair》 |
《賢女勸夫》 | 《Exhortations from a Virtuous Wife to Her Husband》 |
《糶酒》 | 《Flirtation at a Public House》 |
《霸王虞姬》 | 《Hegemon-King of Western Chu and Consort Yu》 |
崑曲 | Kunqu |
崑劇 | Also known as:Kunju |
十四世紀 | Fourteen century |
江蘇省 | Jiangsu Province |
崑山 | Kunshan |
板 | ban (wooden clappers) |
鈸 | bo (cymbals) |
大鑼 | daluo (big gong) |
笛子 | dizi (horizontal bamboo flute) |
二胡 | erhu (two-stringed fiddle) |
三弦 | sanxian (a three-stringed lute) |
小鑼 | xiaoluo (small gong) |
箏 | zither |
詠嘆調 | aria |
混合曲 (集成曲) | medley |
音樂表演 | musical recital |
管弦樂 | orchestra |
雜技 | acrobatics |
鬧劇 | farce |
手勢 | gesture |
啞劇 | mime |
戲曲 | opera |
吟詠 | chanting |
對話 | dialogue |
唱詞 | libretto |
獨白 | monologue |
詩文朗誦 | poetry recital |
特定唱法 | stylistic singing |
崑曲代表性團隊 | Representative groups |
二分之一Q劇場 | 1/2 Q Theater |
戴君芳 | Dai Jun-fang |
楊汗如 | Yang Han-ru |
《小船幻想詩》 | 《Boat Fantasy for Mona Lisa》 |
《亂紅》 | 《Peach Blossom Rain》 |
《戀戀南柯》 | 《Nanke Story》 |
《柳.夢.梅》 | 《Willow Dreams of Plum》 |
蘭庭崑劇團 | Lanting Kun Opera Troupe |
蕭本耀 | Xiao Ben-yao |
王志萍 | Wang Zhi-ping |
《蘭庭六記》 | 《Six Legends of Lanting》 |
《玉簪記》 | 《The Jade Hairpin》 |
《獅吼記》 | 《The Lion's Roar》 |
《長生殿》 | 《The Palace of Eternal Life》 |
臺灣崑劇團 | Taiwan Kunqu Opera Theatre |
《蝶夢蓬萊》 | 《Butterflies of Penglai》 |
《范蠡與西施》 | 《Fan Li and Xi Shi》 |
《風箏誤》 | 《Kite Romance》 |
《荊釵記》 | 《The Wooden Hairpin》 |
崑曲代表性作品 | Representative plays |
《竇娥冤》 | 《The Injustice Done to Dou E》 |
關漢卿 | Author: Guan Hanqing |
《桃花扇》 | 《The Peach Blossom Fan》 |
孔尚任 | Author: Kong Shangren |
《牡丹亭》 | 《The Peony Pavilion》 |
湯顯祖 | Author: Tang Xianzu |
《白蛇傳》 | 《The White Snake ("Madame White Snake")》 |
馮夢龍 | Author: Feng Menglong |
京劇 | Peking Opera |
京劇化妝及配件 | Accessories & makeup |
彩妝 | face paint |
髯口 | fake beard (comes in white, grey, and black) |
貼片 | hair attachments |
勒頭 | head binding (to raise the position of eyebrows) |
胭脂 | rouge |
京劇服裝 | Costumes |
斗蓬 | cloak |
靴鞋 | heeled boots |
靠 | kao (battle armor) |
靠旗 | kao qi (battle flags) |
盔頭 | hui tou (headgear) |
蟒 | mang (formal wear for nobility) |
帔 | pei (casual clothing with flowing sleeves for nobility) |
坎肩 | shawl |
褶 | zhe (casual clothing for peasants) |
京劇臉譜 | Face-painting patterns |
著色方式 | Application types |
揉臉 | to paint one's face (used for powerful or respected roles) |
勾臉 | to decorate one's face (used for colorful, glamorous types) |
抹臉 | to mask one's face (used for slay or villainous types) |
臉譜 | Face types |
歪臉 | asymmetrical face (for morally inappropriate behavior) |
十字門臉 | crucifix face (for heroic figures) |
破臉 | disfigured face (for personality or physical defects) |
整臉 | full face (symmetrical pattern to represent good morale) |
老臉 | old face (for elderly figures) |
碎臉 | patchwork face (intricate face for courageous figures) |
意象臉 | symbolic face (for mythological creatures and ghosts) |
三塊瓦 | tri-colored face (for vivid characters) |
粉白奸臉 | powder-white face (for ruthless and sly figures) |
京劇道具 | Traditional props (Qimo) |
日常生活用具 | Lifestyle props |
梳子 | brush |
燭臺 | candlestick |
扇子 | fan |
手帕 | handkerchief |
燈籠 | lantern |
酒杯 | wine cup |
表現特定環境的道具 | Props for signifying settings |
椅子 | chair |
窯門 | chair as an oven door |
石墩 | chair as stone columns |
水井 | chair as a water well |
布 | drapes |
布城 | drapes symbolizing city gates (literally "city made of cloth") |
守舊 | wall tapestry (to separate the front and back stages) |
旗子 | flag |
雲片 | cloud flag (to represent the weather) |
門旗 | door flag (to represent entrances) |
火旗 | fire flag (to represent fire) |
水旗 | water flag (to represent rivers or lakes) |
風旗 | wind flag (to represent storms) |
一桌二椅 | one table, two chairs (generic setting) |
桌子 | table |
床 | table as a bed |
餐桌 | table as a dining table |
靈堂 | table as a funeral altar |
山崗 | table as a mountain |
交通工具 | Transportation props |
馬鞭 | horse whip (to represent riding a horse) |
船槳 | oar (to represent rowing a boat) |
轎帘 | sedan chair (to represent a carriage) |
車旗 | vehicle flag (to represent moving vehicles) |
兵器 | Weaponry |
弓 | bow |
弩 | crossbow |
諸葛弩 | repeating crossbow |
刀 | broadsword, saber |
八卦刀 | Bagua broadsword |
蝴蝶雙刀 | butterfly sword |
苗刀 | Chinese long saber |
鴛鴦鉞 | crescent moon knives |
關刀 | Guandao |
柳葉刀 | Liuyedao, willow-leaf saber |
樸刀 | Pudao, horse-cutter sword |
斬馬刀 | single-bladed, anti-cavalry sword |
鉤 | tiger hook sword |
雁毛刀 | Yanmadao, goose-quill saber |
九節鞭 | chain whip |
流星錘 | meteor hammer |
三截棍 | Sanjiegun, coiling dragon staff |
匕首 | dagger |
棍 | rod, staff |
斧 | axe |
戟 | Chinese halberd |
錘 | Chinese mace |
月牙鏟 | monk's spade |
雙截棍 | nanchucks |
棒 | short rod |
鐮 | sickle |
叉 | trident |
槍 | spear |
劍 | sword |
風火輪 | wind-and-fire wheels |
京劇代表性團隊 | Representative groups |
當代傳奇劇場 | Contemporary Legend Theatre |
吳興國 | Wu Hsing-kuo |
《李爾在此》 | 《King Lear》 |
《樓蘭女》 | 《Medea》 |
《慾望城國》 | 《The Kingdom of Desire》 |
《等待果陀》 | 《Waiting for Godot》 |
國光劇團 | GuoGuang Opera Company |
李小平 | Lee Xiao-ping |
魏海敏 | Wei Hai-min |
《水袖與胭脂》 | ⫸ "Flowing Sleeves and Rouge" |
《艷后和她小丑們》 | ⫸ "Cleopatra and Her Fools" |
《孟小冬》 | ⫸ "Meng Xiaodong |
《百年戲樓》 | ⫸ "One Hundred Years on Stage" |
國立臺灣戲曲學院京劇團 | Jing-Ju Opera Troupe of National Taiwan College of Performing Arts |
侯剛本 | Hou Kang-pen |
《闇河渡》 | 《Ghostdom River》 |
《竹籔中》 | 《In a Grove (Yabu no Naka)》 |
《羅生門》 | 《Rashomon》 |
《八月雪》 | 《Snow in August》 |
歌仔戲 | Taiwanese opera |
歌謠(小調) | terms |
歌仔 | ballad (ditty) |
車鼓戲 | cart drum opera |
反串 | cross-dressed performers |
白話劇 | vernacular opera |
女性角色 | female roles |
老婆 / 老旦 | elder female figure |
彩旦 / 三八 | female jester |
小旦 | female lead |
妖婦 | female villain |
苦旦 | sorrowful female character |
副旦 / 花旦 | primary supporting actress |
三花 | third supporting actress |
男性角色 | male roles |
小丑 | male jester |
反生 | male lead |
武生 | martial artist |
副生 | supporting actor |
樂器 | musical instruments |
京胡 | Chinese mandolin |
古箏 | Chinese zither |
拍板 (檀板) | clappers (pl.) |
鈸 | cymbals (pl.) |
笛子 | dizhi (Chinese flute) |
嗩吶 | suona (horn) |
水袖 | water sleeves (pl.) |
代表性人物 | Representative figures |
廖瓊枝 | Liao Chiung-chih |
孫翠鳳 | Sun Cui-feng |
楊麗花 | Yang Li-hua |
春美歌劇團 | Chun-Mei Taiwanese Opera Troupe |
郭春美 | Kuo Chun-mei |
《青春美夢》 | 《A Beautiful Dream of Youth》 |
《變心》 | 《Heart Off》 |
《將軍寇》 | 《Switch》 |
財團法人廖瓊枝歌仔戲文教基金會 | Liao Chiung-chih Taiwanese Opera Foundation for Culture and Education |
廖瓊枝 | Liao Chiung-chih |
《火燒紅蓮寺》 | 《The Burning of Red Lotus Temple》 |
《王寶釧》 | 《Wang Bao-chuan》 |
《王魁負桂英》 | 《Wang Kuei's Betrayal of Guei-ying》 |
明華園戲劇團 | Ming Hwa Yuan Arts and Cultural Group |
陳明吉 | Chen Ming-ji |
《蓬萊大仙》 | 《Grand Immortal of Penglai》 |
《濟公活佛之雪狐情》 | 《JiGong, the Living Buddha: Enchanted Snow Fox》 |
《何仙姑》 | 《Lotus Lady Fairy: He Xiangu》 |
秀琴歌劇團 | ShiuKim Taiwanese Opera Troupe |
張秀琴 | Zhang Xiu-qin |
《范蠡獻西施》 | 《Beauty Trap》 |
《大唐風雲》 | 《Legend of Tang Dynasty》 |
《安平追想曲》 | 《Romance of Anping》 |
唐美雲歌仔戲團 | Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company |
唐美雲 | Tang Mei-yun |
《仁者無仇》 | 《Deathless Beauty》 |
《添燈記》 | 《Love on Pregnancy》 |
《燕歌行》 | 《Who is My Bride?》 |
豫劇 | Yu opera |
河南梆子 | Also known as: Henan Bangzi Opera |
「四功五法」 | The Four Skills and Five Techniques of Chinese Opera |
四功 | The Four Skills |
唱 | to sing |
念 | to recite |
做 | to pose |
打 (舞) | to fight (dance) |
五法 | The Five Techniques |
手 | hands (to gesture) |
眼 | eyes (to convey emotion) |
身 | body (for different postures) |
步 | feet (for different strides) |
法 | stage rules (of Yu opera) |
唱腔 | Tune Types |
高調 | Kao tune |
沙河調 | Shahe tune |
祥符調 | Xiangfu tune |
豫東調 | Yudong tune (comedy) |
豫西調 | Yuxi tune (tragedy) |
豫劇代表性團隊 | Representative groups |
臺灣豫劇團 | Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company |
王海玲 | Wang Hai-ling |
《約/束》 | 《Bonds》 |
《劉姥姥》 | 《Granny Liu》 |
《天問》 | 《Questioning Heaven》 |
《花嫁巫娘》 | 《The Sorceress Bride》 |
《美人尖 》 | 《The Widow's Peak》 |
《巾幗.華麗緣》 | 《Women Are Renamed》 |
《朝陽溝》 | 《Chaoyang Valley》 |
楊蘭春 | Scripwriter: Yang Lanchun |
《穆桂英挂帥》 | 《Mu Guiying Takes Command》 |
馬金鳳 | Author: Ma Jinfeng |
豫劇代表性作品 | Representative plays |
《花木蘭》 | 《Mulan》 |
《金鎖記》 | 《The Golden Cangue》 |
《七品芝麻官》 | 《The Lowly Bureaucrat》 |