

藝術工作坊Arts and crafts studio行政院空間美化計畫Beautification of the Executive Yuan
中文圖書標題表Chinese Subject Headings數位影音光碟Digital video disk,簡稱DVD
工藝之夢The Dream Of Crafts錄音帶sound cassette
國家文化資料庫 ~「九十二年度台灣地區古文書數位化作業計畫」National Cultural Database—
2003 Digital Project of Historical Records in Taiwan Area
中國機讀編目格式(第四版)Chinese MARC Format
The Three-year Plan for Promoting Information Service of Patrons英美編目規則(2版)Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules(AACR2)
廣播節目製播專案Redio broadcasting production台灣傳統細木作家具、漆器技藝跨領域傳習計畫The Skill of Teaching Plan of Taiwan's Traditional Delicate Wooden Furniture Strides over the Domain of Lacquer Wares
舊報紙數位化資訊系統System of Old Newspapers Digital Information Network中國圖書分類法(2001增訂八版)New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries--TABLES
2003亞太傳統藝術節2003 Asia-Pacific Traditional Arts Festival世紀版畫名作展-近百年來世界版畫發展與變遷Centennial Exhibition of Famous Prints- Development and Evolution of the World's Printmaking over the Last 100 Years
公共藝術Public Art竹編藝術展The Beauty of Bamboo Weaving
總統府空間美化計畫Beautification of the Presidential Offices國立傳統藝術中心補助作業要點Subsidization Essentials of the National Center for Traditional Arts
克特作者號碼表Cutter-Sanborn Three-Figure Author Table南管梨園戲傳習計畫Impartation Plan for Nanguan Liyuan Opera
鐵道藝術網絡Art of the Railway Warehouses(1)文化藝廊特展(1)Culture gallery exhibitions
七子戲傳習計畫Impartation Plan for Chi-zi Opera國立台灣美術館典(館)藏品借展合約書Taiwan Museum of Art:Contract of Loans
台灣當代漆藝展The Exhibition of Contemporary Lacquer Art in Taiwan美國國會圖書館標題表Library of Congress Subject Headings(LCSH)
國立台灣美術館捐贈同意書Agreement of Contribution國立台灣美術館資料中心閱覽室管理要點Library regulations of Taiwan Museum of Art
(3)地方工藝產業展(3)Local craft manufacturing歷史建築Historic Buildings
國立台灣美術館資料中心複印管理要點Library regulations of The copy service, Taiwan Museum of Art內部審核處理準則THE STANDARDS OF INTERNAL EXAMINE AND APPROVE
轉型行政法人組織營運管理規劃報告Research report for reorganization of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra in transformation to executive govermental organization國立臺灣美術館守衛小隊電擊棒使用規定Regulations for the security guards touseelectro schock batons in TMOA